Easy Macrame Wall Hanging Tutorial for Beginners

Are you ready to add some boho charm to your space? Look no further! This article is your go-to guide for a beginner-friendly macrame wall hanging tutorial. Whether you’re new to the art of macrame or just looking for a fun DIY project, we’ve got you covered. Get your creative juices flowing and learn how to create a stunning wall hanging that will instantly elevate any room in your home. With simple instructions and step-by-step pictures, you’ll be able to create your own beautiful macrame masterpiece in no time. So gather your supplies and let’s get knotting!

Easy Macrame Wall Hanging Tutorial for Beginners

Materials Needed

To create your own macrame wall hanging, you will need a few essential materials:

Cotton cord

Choose a cotton cord that is suitable for macrame. It should be sturdy and easy to work with. You can find cords specifically made for macrame at craft stores or online.

Wooden dowel

A wooden dowel will provide the structure for your wall hanging. You can find wooden dowels of various lengths at hardware stores or craft stores. Choose a dowel that is long enough to accommodate your desired wall hanging size.


You will need a pair of sharp scissors to cut the cord and trim the fringe of your wall hanging.

Tape measure

A tape measure is necessary to ensure precise measurements when cutting your cord and dowel.

Choosing the Right Cord

When it comes to choosing the right cord for your macrame wall hanging, consider the following factors:

Types of cords

There are different types of cords available for macrame, including twisted cord, single strand cord, and braided cord. Each type of cord will give your wall hanging a unique look and texture. Experiment with different types to find the one that suits your style.

Thickness considerations

The thickness of the cord will also affect the overall appearance of your wall hanging. Thicker cords will create a chunkier, bolder look, while thinner cords will result in a more delicate and intricate design. Choose a cord thickness that matches your desired aesthetic.

Calculating the length

Before you start creating your wall hanging, you need to determine the cord length required. Measure the height you want your wall hanging to be, including any fringe. Multiply this measurement by four to account for the knotting and gathering of the cord. Add a few extra feet to ensure you have enough cord for the project.

Easy Macrame Wall Hanging Tutorial for Beginners

Preparing the Dowel

Now that you have your cord ready, it’s time to prepare the wooden dowel:

Measuring the length

Measure the width of your wall hanging, including any fringe. This will determine the length of the dowel you need. Use a tape measure to get an accurate measurement.

Cutting the dowel

Once you have the measurement, use a saw or a sharp pair of pruning shears to cut the dowel to the desired length. Make sure to cut it straight and smooth.

Sanding the edges

To prevent the cord from snagging and to create a more polished look, use sandpaper to smooth any rough edges on the dowel. This step is essential for a clean finish.

Basic Macrame Knots

Before you dive into creating your wall hanging, familiarize yourself with these basic macrame knots:

Larks Head Knot

The Larks Head Knot is the foundation of many macrame designs. It involves folding a cord in half and draping it over the dowel, then pulling the ends of the cord through the loop created. This knot is used to attach the cords to the dowel securely.

Square Knot

The Square Knot is a versatile knot that creates a diagonal pattern. To make a Square Knot, cross the left cord over the center cords, then bring the right cord over the left cord and through the loop created. Repeat in the opposite direction to complete the knot.

Half Square Knot

The Half Square Knot is similar to the Square Knot but only involves one side of the knotting. It is made by crossing one cord over the center cords and looping it under the opposite cord, then bringing it through the opening created.

Easy Macrame Wall Hanging Tutorial for Beginners

Starting the Wall Hanging

It’s time to start creating your macrame wall hanging! Follow these steps to get started:

Attaching the cord to the dowel

Begin by folding a cord in half and placing the folded end over the dowel. Pull the loose ends of the cord through the loop created and tighten securely. Repeat this step with several more cords, evenly spaced across the dowel.

Creating a row of Larks Head Knots

Once the cords are attached to the dowel, create a row of Larks Head Knots. Fold each cord in half and place the folded section over the dowel. Pull the ends of the cord through the loop created and tighten. Repeat this step with all the cords along the dowel.

Creating a row of Square Knots

After the row of Larks Head Knots, create a row of Square Knots. Make sure to alternate the starting direction of each knot to create a diagonal pattern. Repeat this step until the desired width of your wall hanging is achieved.

Creating the Design

Now that you have the foundation of your wall hanging, it’s time to get creative with the design:

Adding decorative elements

To enhance the visual appeal of your wall hanging, consider adding decorative elements such as beads, feathers, or shells. Thread these elements onto the cords before creating the knots to incorporate them into the design.

Creating alternating knot patterns

Experiment with different knot patterns to create a unique design. You can alternate between Square Knots, Half Square Knots, and other knot variations to add texture and visual interest.

Incorporating different knots

Don’t limit yourself to just the basic knots. Explore more advanced knotting techniques, such as the Josephine Knot or the Double Half Hitch, to add complexity and depth to your design.

Easy Macrame Wall Hanging Tutorial for Beginners

Adding Fringe

Fringe adds a beautiful finishing touch to your macrame wall hanging. Here’s how to add it:

Determining fringe length

Decide how long you want your fringe to be and cut the cords accordingly. For a uniform look, fold each cord in half and trim them to the desired length.

Attaching fringe to the bottom

Starting from the bottom of your wall hanging, attach the fringe cords to the dowel using a Larks Head Knot. Repeat this step with all the fringe cords, spacing them evenly.

Trimming the fringe

Once all the fringe cords are attached, trim them to your desired length. You can opt for a straight, even cut, or experiment with different fringe styles, such as a V-shape or a diagonal cut.

Finishing Touches

To complete your macrame wall hanging, follow these finishing touches:

Trimming excess cord

If you have any excess cord hanging from your knots, trim it to create a neater appearance.

Hanging the wall hanging

To hang your wall hanging, attach a piece of cord or string to each end of the dowel. Make sure the cords are securely tied and of equal length. Use a nail or hook to hang your wall hanging on the wall.

Making adjustments

Take a step back and assess your wall hanging. Make any necessary adjustments, such as straightening out knots or redistributing the cords, to achieve the desired look.

Easy Macrame Wall Hanging Tutorial for Beginners

Tips and Tricks

Here are some useful tips and tricks for creating your macrame wall hanging:

Take breaks to avoid hand fatigue

Macrame can be a repetitive process, so remember to take short breaks to rest your hands and prevent fatigue.

Experiment with different cord colors

Explore different colors to create a unique wall hanging. Play with complementary or contrasting shades to achieve the desired aesthetic.

Use a reference image for inspiration

If you’re not sure where to start or need some inspiration, refer to images of macrame wall hangings online or in books. It can help you visualize different design possibilities and spark your creativity.


Even beginners face challenges while creating macrame wall hangings. Here are some troubleshooting tips:

Undoing knots

If you make a mistake or want to change a knot, gently unravel the cords to undo the knot. Be patient and careful to avoid damaging the cords.

Fixing uneven knots

If you notice that your knots are uneven or crooked, carefully untie them and redo them. Pay attention to the tension and ensure that the cords are evenly pulled.

Dealing with tangles

If your cords become tangled while working, take your time to carefully separate and untangle them. Patience and a gentle touch will help you avoid damaging the cords.

With these comprehensive instructions, you’re ready to embark on your macrame wall hanging journey. Enjoy the process, get creative, and have fun creating your own unique piece of art!

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